Why You Should Upgrade to Mixed In Key 10
Mixed In Key is the world’s first and most accurate software for finding the Key of music.
By getting Version 10, you’re benefitting from 2 intense years of research we’ve done since Version 8. The new algorithm is based on a new type of data science that was previously unavailable. The new results are at least 10% more accurate than any software that has ever existed.
Doesn’t my DJ software already have key detection?
Yeah, it does – but it makes a huge number of mistakes. Some DJ software is only 50% accurate. Half the results are wrong.
Even websites like Beatport and Splice show the wrong keys.
When you use Mixed In Key 10 released this year, you’re replacing the built-in key detection with a product that’s used by the world’s top artists.
It just sounds better. Your DJ mixes sound smoother. If you use an audio sample in your music productions, it’ll fit better in your song. You should analyze your entire music collection with Mixed In Key 10, and enjoy the most accurate results in the world. It’s custom-made for the top performers, and we hope you’ll love using it.