Release Notes

1.2.341.0 – Pilot Plugins (Windows)

Released on 5/23/23

Features & Improvements

  • Added VST3 support

  • New Mixed in Key

    ID3 Tags – Pilot Plugins (Mac)

    Released on 5/08/23

    Improvements & Fixes

  • Added zoom buttons to the large canvas
  • Fixed some crashes

  • 1.2.330.0 – Pilot Plugins (Windows)

    Released on 4/28/23

    Features & Improvements

  • Added Swing and Note Length knob
  • Added /2 x2 (half-time and double-time) buttons to chords section
  • Added Length dropdown
  • Added Preview Chords button
  • Added Standalone mode to the connection dropdown
  • Now showing Edit/Hide Chords button when connected to Captain Chords
  • Added ability to copy and paste with ctrl-c ctrl-v
  • Added ability to use computer keyboard arrows to move selected notes vertically and horizontally
  • Added ability to use shift key and up/down computer keyboard arrows to move notes by octave
  • Now drawing a 1px border around notes

  • Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with specific scales pulling up blank presets
  • Fixed some connection issues between flavors

  • New Mixed in Key

    ID3 Tags

    1.0.303.0 – Pilot Plugins (Windows)

    Released on 3/15/23

    Improvements & Fixes

  • Fixed issue with filtering for Blues, Pentatonic, and Locrian scales
  • Fixed issue with flavor connectivity
  • Added better logging for offline view shown and notes generation failure
  • Fixed a crash

  • – Pilot Plugins (Mac)

    Released on 3/7/23

    Features & Improvements

  • Added idea length dropdown
  • added auto-sync toggle in Settings
  • updated to latest PhasePlant version 2.0.16

  • New Mixed in Key

    ID3 Tags – Pilot Plugins (Windows)

    Released on 2/28/23


  • Updated to latest PhasePlant version 2.0.16, with memory leak fixed.
  • Added support for using new API for checking if PhasePlant has finished loading wavetables, and is ready to begin exporting audio
  • Added logging for offline view shown and notes generation failure
  • Quick fix for rare case where multiple plugins use mixed DPI

  • – Pilot Plugins (Mac)

    Released on 2/15/23

    Features & Improvements

  • Added /2 x2 (half-time and double-time) buttons to chords section
  • No longer auto-collapsing popup when selecting chord bank or preset
  • Improvements to swing

  • Fixes

  • Fixed some issues with connection state between flavors
  • New Mixed in Key
    ID3 Tags – Pilot Plugins (Windows)

    Released on 1/17/23


  • Fixed a bug that where the source selection screen was presented on project reopen when already connected to Captain Chords

  • – Pilot Plugins (Mac)

    Released on 1/06/23

    Features & Improvements

  • Added a MIDIFX version of Pilot to the installer
  • Can now use left/right buttons on computer keyboard to adjust knob value on hover
  • Added ability to resize notes in MIDI editing panel
  • Left and right arrows now move selected notes horizontally
  • Added buttons for deleting and splitting chord slices
  • Added standalone mode to the connection dropdown in settings
  • Updated offline mode UI
  • When loading sound design view, now scrolling to selected item
  • Now drawing magic button chord strip
  • Added new colors for knob value view
  • Show knob value in value textfield instead of removing name during edit
  • Retry note fetching requests, and show offline screen when note fetching fails
  • Show instrument panel if play from daw is ON on launch
  • Opening sound panel now works in AU plugins

  • Fixes

  • Fixed issue with cmd-v not always working on the login screen
  • Do not cancel looping if tracked controller is nil
  • Fixed cursor setting in Pilot chord slices
  • Now recalculating selected index after clearing search field
  • Fixed Phase Plant logo overlapping creator name
  • Now closing all bottom controllers on deauthorize
  • Fixed adding the first note on an empty canvas, we now assume the empty canvas is centered around the middle C note
  • New Mixed in Key
    ID3 Tags – Pilot Plugins (Windows)

    Released on 12/15/22


  • – Implemented the ability to resize the Pilot UI

  • – Pilot Plugins (Windows)

    Released on 12/6/22


  • Added support for select all and duplicate functionality with ctrl-a and ctrl-d
  • Added support for manually resizing notes

  • Fixes

  • Fixed issues with midi edits not being saved in various scenarios
  • New Mixed in Key
    ID3 Tags – Pilot Plugins (Mac)

    Released on 12/1/22


  • Added VST3 versions of Pilot Plugins to the installer

  • – Pilot Plugins (Windows)

    Released on 11/30/22


  • Added the ability to edit midi using the large canvas that opens when clicking the pencil icon on the small canvas

  • Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that occurred when opening existing projects
  • New Mixed in Key


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